Dear family
Here I am in Vacaville!! So far it seems like a really good place! I have met some great members. I have missed arcata and I will miss being there when Christmas and New Years rolls around but I think I will probably make friends by then.
Did I tell you elder Boswell is my new companion? Well if I didn't now I did! It's kinda cool because he came out with me so we have both been out the same amount of time and we are Zone Leader companions! So that has been really nice so far! We are both on the same page as far as obedience and working and how to do the work and so it is just flowing nicely! I think it should be a great transfer! We just moved into a brand new apartment and we have a ton of room because it is just us two in a two bedroom apartment! So we have tons of space! It is really nice!
It has been a fun first week we have been really busy but it's weird because it hasn't been normal. When we got back Wednesday night we had to help the sisters finish moving into their apartment and build a bed frame for them and we had to pick up a desk and chair for them from another missionary apartment. The next day Thursday was our planning day and so that takes awhile and that night we had a stake blitz where all the missionaries come into one wards boundaries and blitz it. It was pretty sweet I must say but took up the night. Friday we had zone meeting so that ate up much of the day and we had to finalize our weekly plans and so Friday night we were able to go out and work then Saturday it got normal and we had a full work day. The joys of being a zone leader. Haha. You have to deal with everyone elses issues and areas as well as your own. It is fun though :)
Ohhhhh so I started writing this earlier and just got your package. Thanks for the
stuff! The amino acid looks really good. When I'm out of stuff I will let you know what I want and you can get it off of that website but I'll be good for a month or two now. I didn't know if it was for Christmas or not but either way I wasn't going to wait so I opened it haha. Thank you though!! And thanks for the smoothie book!
So we had our ward Christmas party this Saturday. It was fun! I got to meet some cool people. It is a very old ward not many young families. But it is a strong ward. At least for now until everyone dies haha after the dinner there was a ton of leftover ham so we got to take a lot home! We have ham for weeks. It's great!
We had a really cool meeting with our stake presidency on Sunday! Once a transfer they meet with all the missionaries and talk and teach deep doctrine of the church haha we went deep into the temple! It was pretty awesome. I learned a lot. I hope I will know as much as they do someday about the temple.
Well I love you. It seems like this area is not very busy right now so we will have to be changing that. The members are sweet here. It is like mini Utah. So it should be a good experience! It will be the most member involvement I have seen on my mission easily. I can already tell.
I have been having some awesome success on facebook! I have been able to send a preacher in Africa a copy of the Book of Mormon, find a girl that wants to be baptized in the Philippines but that didn't know where a church was, and find a solid investigator for the arcata elders.
The preacher was a friend suggested to me by this weird member I have never met who does tons of missionary work online haha I messaged the preacher and we introduced ourselves. I asked him if he had ever read from the Book of Mormon before ad he said no but that he would like to! I got his address and was able to send him a Book of Mormon at his request! He also requested a second Book of Mormon so that he could share it haha pretty cool. I need to find out if there are elders in his area so they can deliver it.
The girl in the Philippines was a random person that added me. I accepted her request and messaged her and asked if she was a member of our faith! She said no but I would really like to be!!! I was then able to help her locate a church and invite her to sacrament and to be baptized! They said yes! I just need to call in the referral to the office today! After that I was able to teach her part of the restoration.
The solid gator was the friend of a member in arcata. I messaged her and we had an awesome conversation about what the gospel is and what it could mean for her and her family! I sent her a link to the restoration mormon message and a link to about the restoration and when I got on the next day and asked her if she read she said she had read both of them and that it was exactly what she wanted in her life! I invited her to be baptized and she said she wanted to go to church first with her friend harmony who was one of my favorite people in arcata :) so she was excited to hear about that! I'm still gettin it done in arcata, Well, I love you all and I look forward to talking to you in like 9 days haha.
Have a great week!
Andrew's new address:
Elder Andrew Nelson
159 Aegean Way
Apt. 48
Vacaville, CA
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