Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October 15th 2012

It seems like I begin every email with "it was a great week this week" but I don't know what else to say because every week is great and it only gets better! This week and last week were just so good and spiritual because of the conferences and the temple trip! I have missed taking the sacrament but I Will miss hearing so many good speakers each Sunday! We have been blessed to be able to hear from many great leaders of the church in these past two weeks and I have been very much uplifted and inspired!
The Temple trip this week was such a great experience for me! It felt like it had been a long time since I had last gone! There is such a strong spirit there and it was so sweet to be able to see all of the other missionaries in the celestial room together! I was able to receive some personal revelation while pondering and reading the scriptures for a few minutes.
I went on a great exchange with Elder Lenon on Saturday! We learned a lot from each other! He is a great missionary and I don't ever say goodbye to him without being uplifted and strengthened in some way. He has so much love for everyone. We were able to do a whole lot of finding that day and it was a good experience! He is totally different from elder stainback in many ways so it is always fun to experience and work with a different teaching style.
The work here in Shiloh Park continues to move forward. We are teaching some great people who are just moving at their own paces. Rachel is still doing great but I think we will most likely be moving her date back a little bit. She is trying to overcome smoking and has yet to quit, so we will need to give her more time it is only a matter of time though and we are doing our best to encourage her and strengthen her faith! I am still amazed at the changes that have  in her life because of our service and the spirit softening her heart. She kept her commitments and the blessings have come! It has been a miracle!
We had a great experience doing power hour this week! After dinner we shared a good spiritual thought with them and invited the head of the household, Bro. Allen, to say a prayer for us. He gave a beautiful prayer of great faith and we headed out into the night to knock some doors. About four doors into our finding we met a man named Phil who was very open to us and was busy at the moment but enthusiastically invited us back to teach him! It was sweet! we were led by the spirit to find him because of the faith of a members prayer! When we called to report how it went Bro. Allen was excited and happy and asked us to invite him out to go visit him next time!! He is a great man.
In one of our lessons this week one of our investigators, Selia, surprised us with an announcement that she had stopped drinking coffee! It was so amazing to hear that because she was so against having to give it up! Out of nowhere she had told us that she was "testing the waters" to see how it would be without it! I hope and pray that she continues to stay away from it! After she gets use to it she will see the blessings that come, I know it! She is so close to being ready! Her date is set for the 10th of November!
Elder Stainback and I are doing well. He is a great companion and I have learned so much from him in these past 12 weeks! I cant believe that it has already been two transfers almost. They flew by! Elder Stainback has given me a great foundation off of which to build and I will always be grateful to him for his patience love and desire to help me become a better missionary! He has been a great friend as well and has helped me find a solid balance between having fun and working hard and having fun working hard!
I feel like my letters are getting much less detailed as I go because the weeks are a blur! I dont remember much! The highlights of this week were for sure the Temple and Stake conference. The spirit is so strong at the temple and I felt so much better after coming out!! The Oakland temple is super sweet! I took some pics so I will send them to you soon!
So We had dinner on Sunday with the Snyders. Her son is on a mision in australia so she LOVES us coming over. They are an awesome family. If i am still in shiloh park we will be having thanksgiving with them! But anyways after dinner we got up and I went to shake sister snyders hand but she putout her left hand...and then just kept coming.....In my mind I was screaming NOOOOOO but its not like you can shove her away right? So yes, she hugged me. She did say as she wrapper her arms around me "oh i forgot i cant hug you sorry" ohhh boy it was WEIRD!! She is really sweet though.. so no harm no foul.
This week is transfers just so you know! Elder stainback is leaving for sure and I will probably stay one more but you never know. I will let you know how it goes. The word is that I will be training so things might get interesting.
We are having a mission conference up at camp liahona redwoods! Sick right? It is in November so that will be cool.

Love you!

Elder Nelson

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